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Suntrips Trip Refund That Never Came

Suntrips Trip Refund That Never Came
CBS 13/UPN 31
Originally posted: http://cbs13.com/consumer/local_story_096005707.html
April 5, 2006


Dulcey Rood loves the sun, especially the Mexican Sun. She and her husband Robert were married in Mexico. They've been back seven times.

There would've been an eighth trip this past Christmas, but they had to cancel because Robert needed surgery so they ended up with, an irritating trip to nowhere.

"I was frustrated,” said Dulcey.

Dulcey canceled in plenty of time to qualify for a refund, and the company she booked with, Suntrip’s own policy promised they'd get one within 14 days. That was October.

"I'm getting the runaround and not getting any answers, so I needed to do something more, and I contacted you guys," said Dulcey.

The Roods entered the twilight zone of a corporate merger gone bad. Suntrips is now a company with a split personality. A new owner controls the name, website and phone numbers. The old company, FS Suntours, is stuck with the debt, and the refunds. Dulcey rood got through to the old one.

"I guess they had supposedly issued the check in the computer, but never sent it. She looked further in there, and she's like 'oh, ok, it didn't get sent’,” said Dulcey. “There's something going on."

The Roods still want their money but took the whole Mexico thing into their own hands.

"We put in the pool in lieu of going to Mexico,” said Dulcey. "This is gonna be Mexico now, mural on the back wall, pool in the backyard."

We contacted the company handling refunds, FS Suntours, and were transferred to the president's secretary, Susan Ayars, and this is what she had to say: "Everyone in the company is totally focused on getting these refunds to customers. We have all hands on deck for this."

We asked when the Rood's money would be refunded. Further, Susan said that there "is a process in place" and she believes refunds are being handled in the order reservations were made.

She said she couldn't give a date for refunds, then she said she had to go, because she's also working as the corporate telephone operator.