621 18th St
Oakland, California 94612
(415) 729-3748


What is the cost of retaining the Anolik Law Group, Alexander Anolik, Esq., Adam A. Anolik, Esq., or Dr. Phil Cameron for a seminar, speaking engagement, or training seminar?

The honorarium fee depends upon the virtue or nature of the educational institution or industry association requesting the training or seminar. For example, non-profit institutions are given special consideration. A telephone call +1 (415) 673-3333, fax +1 (415) 673-3548 or email (anolik@travellaw.com or cameron@travellaw.com) will receive a prompt quotation and explanation of proposed services.

A partial listing of Seminars, Television, and Radio educational programs

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Representative Seminars:
Click for  
2010   2009    2008    2007    2006
2005    2004    2003     2002